About Liu Hsuantzu
Liu hsuantzu comes from Taiwan.
Graduated in Design Academy Eindhoven master program contextual design in 2014.
As a designer, Hsuantzu believes she has a strong sense of beauty. And the duty of designers, as she defines, is to deliver the joy she got from those fascinating stuff she is addicted to. It doesn’t has to be an object, maybe a feeling, or words of wisdom. What she fond of should be transform into certain objects or forms so that more people can appreciate or inspired by them like she did.
Hsuantzu is now base in Tokyo, working as an independent designer in her own studio - Atelier Liu Hsuantzu. Recently working on Kintsugi. ( A traditional craft that repair ceramic in Japan.)
2014年にDesign Academy Eindhovenの修士課程contextual designを修了しました。
2018年から東京を拠点に活動しており、スタジオ「Atelier Liu Hsuantzu」で独立デザイナーとして働いています。最近では、金継ぎに取り組んでいます。
劉軒慈為自由設計師,2014年畢業於安荷芬設計學院contextual design,現為Atelier Liu Hsuantzu 負責人,從事產品設計、訂製品設計、金繼修復以及製作各式各樣令人喜愛的廢物。專長為將抽象哲學概念發展成設計和展覽,針對環境、經驗、材質、抽象概念與製造過程,結合工藝或利用製程特色,發展出獨一無二的作品。
什麼是Contextual Design?
『contextual design是在教你以設計師的角色建築一個屬於你的世界觀,價值觀,哲學觀,社會觀,甚至小至生活感情觀,然後用充滿自己色彩的設計去講所有你想講的事情。』